Working with a range of expert partners and practitioners, we identify, develop, structure and implement projects that develop tangible social benefits, while simultaneously generating a financial returns!
If you’re like most remote operators, you really enjoy your job. Seriously, what’s not to like? You get to check out all kinds of businesses, meet new people in your community, sample services and products you may have never known about… and get paid for your time!
Quality Auditing is a tool that is used by many of the largest and most successful brands in the world to help them understand and improve their customer experience. It is also a great way for people to make a little money on the side or get reimbursed for purchases they would have made anyway.
As the winter holidays creep up on us, tension and excitement build as we think about gift giving and parties and that feeling of festive goodwill that fills our souls. Instead of trying to schedule quality auditing assignments around mall visits, use your assignments to buy gifts and make money at the same time.
The Shopping Guide Company’s clients represent all types of consumer industries. From keeping your pet healthy to home improvement, fast and slow food purveyors, banking, hotels, automotive care and valet parking, businesses across the country care so much about providing quality goods and services, they invest in top quality.
Retailers are the backbone of America’s economy. Whether the latest economic reports tell you the country’s in a fiscal upswing or decline, you’ll still find it challenging to locate a good parking space at the mall on any given Saturday. To maintain a competitive edge, retailers need to keep one step ahead of their rivals.
Whether you’re a veteran remote operator or a newbie, keeping track of multiple shops each month can be challenging. These 5 quick tips are designed to keep you on time, organized and efficient for each assignment. Remember, preparing for each assignment means you’re preparing for success.
The comments portion of any survey gets all of us at Shopping Guide and our clients very excited. Here is the area of a quality shop that really allows others to get a feel for the shop. Good comments take readers into the event itself, as though they were sitting next to the remote operator as the shop unfolded.
Every year thousands of companies pay remote operators to go into their stores and conduct secret shops to help the company get better at what it does. Remote Operators give an unbiased customer response to their experience?
Quality auditing requires a shopper to interact with a company under the guise of being a prospective customer. The shopper then observes the interaction and assesses performance based on specific pre-defined criteria that the business is trying to measure.
Every project begins by asking a few key questions to determine what the goals are and what you want to achieve. In this case, ask yourself what is the purpose of the remote operator program? How will you use the quality auditing results? What specific operational and behavioural elements drive your business?
When you manage multiple stores or restaurants, it’s important that all your staff are aware of any laws or standards that apply to your business. Promoting responsible sales amongst your staff is crucial as noncompliance with the law can severely affect your company and your employees.
If you've followed our blog you’ll know that quality auditing is one of the main channels we recommend for customer experience measurement. But who exactly are remote operators? This is a topic that can still cause some confusion..